What names were you dead set on as a teen?
What's your Myers-Briggs personality type?
Have You Experienced Church Hurt?
God Is So Good! Praise Jesus!
Is This Classified As Slander?
Quaker vs Methodist
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
What does being ignored by loved one feel like for you?
How Do You Heal From Church Hurt?
How do you know, the friendship was not worth saving?
Obsessing Over People Who Don't Care About You?
Leos, what is that one sign you would avoid at all costs ?
What's the prettiest name you have ever Heard?
How to stop resenting/obsessing over former friends or people who hurt you?
Leo’s… how do you feel about Sag’s?
I Don't Want To Be A Christian Anymore
Does anyone else feel like a child inside, even as an adult?
Today marks almost 2 years since I self harmed.
Anyone Else A Leo, Libra Rising Sign, Sagittarius Moon?
Self-Isolating From Others?
Leos, what is the most hurtful thing someone ever said to you?
Can A July Leo And An August Leo Be Friends Or Get Along?
Breaking Off Friendship?
What is ruining your mental health?
What's your combo?