Is Tsuki the only character that can trigger 2 tension bar after 1 break?
What the update is for:
Forced to be Jio main, team comp recommendations?
Just like Semba needs T1 to be great, Kazuki's real potential is in his Tension card
Which character has the strongest ultimates
A long-awaited answer to a question from another user here.
If anyone didn't know yet: ranged physical attacks (like missiles) can be parried by melee characters
Miu NEW BEST build 1MLN+(Bombard lvl40 + Diligent Perusal lvl10, each ultimate tick 45000)
Defense reduction?
After some tests, I think I got something going with this
Fractal Vice Shark 25s Clear with Enoki
Today I pulled this card and realized...
Miu 1MLN+ nuke
Tsuki/Enoki/Miu who to choose as your main DPS (FOR BEGINNERS)
Kaiden's In-depth guides: Tsuruko and Kazuki
MIU + Double Bombard tech
Meta Ultimate Nuke Build?
Fireworks by Miu
Are ultimates not powerful in this game. My chain skill from 1 character does the same damage as ult
Hotizontal Tier-list
Русская мать погибшего солдата получила мясорубку в подарок от местных властей
Russian mother of dead soldier received Meat Processor as gift from local authorities
Do not convert this Tension card(Especially if you play on Miu)
Director's Note #6 rough translation 3/5/2025
Fellow Miu Mains, who you're using alongside her?
Rate the Team Set Up :D