Scratches or misprint?
About the starters...
The Starters Are In!
Plasma Islet Full Song, thoughts?
Opened 3 Shiny Treasures booster boxes so you don't have to.
Pokemon Cards?
As a new player (<30 total logins), I've saved up a bunch of skystones and bookmarks, when should I be using them to summon? What to look out for? Etc.
Daily Megathread
Not extending the epics and rares sale for this is crazy
Drops from Winstrate family
Gen 3 Mono Grass Challenge - Completed!
EW poison quad egg??
How much is my old collection worth?
Elite four bea??
List of moves I've seen the Rival's Space Dragon whip out
Do I splice anyone here?
Finally beat wave 145 on my 5th run
Ethereal Workshop W4
Need recs
Msm x Undertale collab confirmed⁉️
An Ethereal Encounter..
Monthly Friend Code Megathread
Magical Nexus Full Song
Rate my Magical Sanctum
No This Cant Be Real Youtube Cant Recomend This For Me *Rubs Eyes* Is Real ):