Lost 100lbs, what’s next?
It sucks being an undesirable woman
my heart really ached for taystee. her biological mother should have fought harder for her
Names? Dog on the left, he's a boy.
Going to the beach vs coming back
Does anyone’s mini put one of their ears upright while the other is flopped over? I think it’s such an adorable trait 🥺❤️
Regarding Taystees trial
I need a positive reddit
Looking for friends to talk to!
It’s my birthday
After watching OITNB ~12 times fully
Do u blame taystee for saying no to fig about the demands?
How do you feel about the guard McCullough?
Piper and Alex were so fake towards Red
Is this Younger Norma in Linda’s sorority? I know it’s not really Norma but is it the same actor?
OITNB unpopular opinions?
Opinions on Cindy?
What do you think will happen to Maritza?
Caputo vs Red?
Rewatching the series and hearing poussey say this hurt cuz it was the last time for both of them