My mech...
Challenged myself to use the shader we got from saving the last egg. Inspired by the Ahamkhara and made to celebrate me getting the Caliban/Liars drop I've been trying to get since TFS came out
Anyone have any idea what this visual issue is? Just recently swapped to AMD and this keeps happening
Wizard in a fantasy world takes his turn playing the role of dark lord for the fantasy experience of modern people from earth paying a company to come there.
Ada-1 has a singing voiceline apparently
Text chat announcement when friends come online.
I'm looking for a website that can act as a merch site for booba mousepads, does anyone know one?
What The Heck Is This
These kind of interactions are the entire reason I play online games. Its absolutely the best, thank you for putting cat in brightdust bungo!
Just a small reminder of what Liar's Handshake does
The Witness lied...again.
Anyone else?
What is this room for?
The only disappointing win would be another Saltagreppo win lol. Nothing against him, I just think it would be a boring conclusion to D2 raid racing.
Neomuna is completely abandoned?
I’ve made a revelation
Call me crazy, but borealis puts in work for Zero Hour
Risk Runner should have interactions with arc traces.
r/destiny2 is more popular than Germany
Switch axe users in a nutshell
Stat distribution tips?
Hunters! we seem to have emerged Victorious!
They grabbed my chest
Fucking fun police
it's so over