Is my sarrencia growing normal?
I always thought JD Vance was black
This Colorectal Surgeon loved my poop shoulder buddy!
Fuck It - Let's Start A Company
People have not adjusted their builds since Illaoi got nerfed beyond buying tear. Here are 2 builds to try use under utilized items and no tear.
What is this dust on the underside? I have had problems with mealy bugs
I propose a new field trip idea
Ok let's try this again. The plants that weren't cheap but well worth it. ( with pictures this time )
You know your neps are happy when…
Thinking about changing pots. Sphagnum is always feeling damp, should I downsize?
Desperate, please help my sundew and Venus fly trap
Just quit my job with nothing lined up
I have some S. Leucophylla seeds from last years flowers, looking to give away some to people who have been active in this community.
Thinking about incorporating GIS into my projects, thoughts?
I need help from my mutual aid/anarchist sisters and brothers
Found this gold at a thrift store!
Found white mold growing on my nepethenes. What should I do to prevent the spread??
Weekly Water Cooler Talk - DataAnnotation
Started GoogleFi when I lived in California and have since moved away, I'm still being charged for a CA purpose program fee. Talked with tech support for 20 minutes and they pretty much said " Well thats the government for ya", what gives?
Who else remembers Clive bags? RIP
Since 2024 is ending soon....
Sir a 2nd CEO has been shot
It's been in my fridge for about 3 weeks. Am I able to save it?
Her name is Voodoo and she needs help
Frog in a top loader??