I just don't know what to do anymore.
Troubleshooting Thread — Bugs? Mod issues? Origin issues? Post about them here! [Update /]
Cranston in boxes
[LF] Spider Webs [FT] NMT, bells, anything you need :)
I have 🍊🍑🍎🥥 and I need 🍐🍒
The boys are buying for 496 bells
[LF] NMT [FT] bells or anything else
Timmy and Tommy are buying for 539
[Nooks] Buying for 572!
[LF] some stuff and DIYs which are linked in the description, as well as NMT, [FT] DIYs and Stuff
Poncho in boxes
[LF] NMT [FT] Bells, DIYs and some extra stuff
Which Character do you not regret pulling the most?
[LF] A few things, DIYs, Fishbait or NMT, [FT] DIYs, extra things and Bells
[LF] NMT [FT] Bells
[SW] Boys selling for 597 today!
Type "Osmanthus Wine tastes.." and let your autocorrect keyboard ruin Zhongli
[LF] Fishbait, and some stuff [FT] DIYs and Bells
FYI, the Fr*nch music is coming from these speakers rather than the background itself.
Fang in boxes
[LF] a few things [FT] DIYs and bells
[Nooks] 463
[nooks] selling for 605
[SW] Twins buying for 590
What non date able npc would you like to be able to date