No new monolith level for th17?
⚠️ With Training Time Removed, Will This Lead to Unhealthy Screen Time? How Will Supercell Handle It? ⚠️
Worth it?
Every clan leaders dream (view player war stats)
Th15 to Th17 how would u 3 this base
What Epic should I max?
Which one should i buy?
Clash of Clans Needs to End Draws! First to 100% Should Win – Agree or Disagree? ⚔️🔥
Hitting 5900 Trophies as a TH 16
Question for clan leaders, Would you promote and trust a loyal randoms as your Co-Leader?
How worth they are putting them
[warrior gaming] Super Archer Puppet
How to optimally use these extra medals from the snake event?
Why are people using the grand warden as a defending hero?
Idk whether to feel happy or disappointed
Trading or winning objects from other's...
Why did they change back the animations for freeze spell and fireball?
Plz Bring back the new freeze spell
Guys they have reduced the price of loot in raid medals !!
Is the haste vial eq better than hog puppet?
Equipments are ruining my mental peace
Whats the Best Helper to Upgrade Now?