Love the new Pokémon vending limits! Was finally able to get a prismatic at msrp!
H: GMino, W: GSBQ + GHB
So... Fastchnat is over... How did yours go?
H:Almost all rare mask W: A miracle!
H: G Mino, W: G SBQ + GHB
Should I sell as is, get it graded, or keep?
H: GJack,W: Offers
Just over 2.5 days left. How is everyone doing?
I was lucky enough to get a glowing Jackalope mask, what outfit goes with it?
Arrived just in time for Pokemon Day!
H: Fasnacht masks W: To know how your Fasnacht is going? And bless you with the all luck you need 🍀🙏🏼🤍
Anyone else still in line for Best Buy drop?
fasnacht mask display. where?! when?!
my First Glowing Mask! 😭🔥
RNGesus Has Heard My Prayers!
H:apparel w:new mask
Was anyone successful?
The image that will haunt us all the rest of the day
Local Comic Shop FTW
It finally happened! My first glowing mask!
What's your current favorite card, regardless of hype? Can be a bulk common card, can be a overly hyped chase. Here's mine.
Pretending I got a god pack
Show me your favorite cards!
Just grabbed this at McDonald's. Can't decide if I should rip it or keep it sealed.