iPhone 12(64GB) for sale!
If these bugs are not fixed by next season im quitting (playstation)
Has anyone else had this bug? Game was stuck on this screen, had to close the game.
Ranked bug loses hundreds of rp
Got this from an antique shop, anyone knows what this is?
Is this a fossil of some sort?
I planted Daikon (Japanese radish) for a experiment , on the left i moisted the soil slight more and pre soaked the seeds(this is day 5)
new player here what to do?
Can’t remember dreams
What's the most terrifying thing that you've ever chosen to do?
What’s a gadget/machine that needs to be made right now?
What's the craziest conspiracy theory you've heard of?
Why do you feel the need to body shame and what do you get out of it?
If you had to give anyone an advice right now, what would it be?
My storages are full, my treasury is mostly full, and i have 1 builder left. What do i do next?
This safe was left when we bought our house about a year ago. No keys. how can I open it?
this builder knows the war crimes he has committed
No context needed
Why did it say I had 5 attacks when I 0
Amiel_rob snap Hmu
When should i begin sending hearts when talking to a girl?
Is it alright to kiss a girl why talking to another one ?
The valkyrie (i got attacked btw)
Finally got -1 trophies and yes i know you can find my account i just have tag and name blurred so people can't sell my account or perm ban it
I called a rape advice hotline