[PJO] The Hunters Should Not Take In Young Girls
When people take retellings too far. Apollo devotee bashing due to Lore Olympus.
femme/butch scale. objectively correct
Based on lyrics only, what's your favorite song ?
Just finished crocheting El-Ehrairah and the Black Rabbit of Inlé!
Which one are u?
I had a vision
do you dislike your birthstone's counterpart?
I know AI isn’t always seen in the best light, but I used it to create a movie poster, then refined it in Photoshop to give it a cinematic look—just for fun
how misleading are the ads?
Someone Keeps Joining Server After Banning Them
Type any Watership Down character with your eyes closed
On the big screen this week!
how old are you guys?
Cherry Orchard Tiktok
Quitting this game, so I'm giving away all my creatures.
let’s see who is the first to go 😅😳
We're not taking, we're just copying.
How do I stop my older packmates from gobbling up a carcass before my HUNGRY pups can in Growing Pups?
End of an Era
junction butte killed one of my babies so i colonized them off the map
i was wondering why they were so nice to him at the start of that episode
well i'd sure hope not