Yellowjackets S03E07- “Croak” Post Episode Discussion
I’m so sick of being hit on in places I can’t immediately escape
Is nobody else scared?
Thoughts on this trade?
Any collectors?
Thoughts on this trade? I haven’t played in a few months so I’m not totally sure of values, mostly went with gut
Yellowjackets S03E06- “Thanksgiving (Canada)” Episode Discussion
Lf these pets
First time taking the ACT, I didn’t study for it but I will when I retake it, what specifically would be best to improve and is this score okay? I’m trying to go to Ohio State, I live in Ohio.
Should I [17NB] tell my girlfriend [17F] that i'm cutting again?
S3e6 sneak peak. Thoughts?
Haven’t played in around five months, how is my inventory? I don’t really use value sites because I hate Elve and think he inflates values and other sites follow suit. My DP is a neon shadow dragon by the way, but I know I have a long way to go from there lol! Any advice appreciated.
Can somebody tell Arasha..
Good friend of mine smells horrible, how do I approach the issue?
Why is it that digital media (TV shows, movies, etc) switch streaming services so often? Are they really being acquired by various different services thag frequently?
If someone attempting or succeeding to assassinate the president dropped their weapon and surrender immediately, are snipers still allowed to kill them? Why is this, when suicide by cop is largely dependent on the reaction by the apprehended?
Yellowjackets S03E05- “Did Tai Do That?” Episode Discussion
More sponsors?
My (16F) gf (17F) doesn’t want me to masturbate to her
67th Annual GRAMMY Awards Megathread // Watch Party!
WIBTA if I didn’t attend my sister’s confirmation ceremony?
what is your all time favourite Lorde song if you only have to pick one?
Just pure anger at the state of affairs of this world
Fully just said a song was nfs LMAO