Trying to optimize the limited time I have to workout by skipping rest and going for a hitt style. How is my current workout looking?
So this is a neat firehair combo
This is what 24% body fat looks like. 5’10, 209lbs.
[16M, almost 17 - 1.77 - 67kg] Been going to the gym for 2 years, any tips?
Toxic Sera is a Biohazard in Top 200 Infinite - Deck Guide/Code in Comments (Rank 184, CL 20,530)
OTA is live aka goodbye Hela.
what do i do? (17m)
Before they went Bald! Elon Musk!
What dumping all of your gold into one deck for 2 years gets you..
Anyone else not gunning for new cards but instead want these more than anything?
Hypothetically, could Thor and Hulk together solo everyone in the airport in Civil War?
Sanctum Showdown Has Been Out For Only 4 Hours And Already It's Nothing But Guardian Mirror Matches
Anyone else incredibly disappointed by the new game mode?
Pixie - My Favorite Conquest Deck (CL 26k)
Will you be getting Diamondback tomorrow? Why or why not?
What’s my best bet for conquest?
Is he worth 6000 tokens? CL 3600
What underrated cards do you enjoy?
Long term oral minoxidil users please...
Feature idea: Looking at opponent's hand after the game
Decisions decisions
I’m so confused on this match
Got gyno surgery but still have chest fat
I made 3D cards of Ghost Spider &Spiderman
I tried to upgrade my level 30 Mastery Deadpool.