Costco Provisions at home
Ideas for new runs. Are these possible?
Costco Warehouse for your kitty
Gazillion Bubbles bubble machine
Are you sleeping on Kirkland frozen Fries?
Win 4 users what micro SD card are you using?
Why does the farmer’s wedding happen first thing in the morning?
I completed the community center year 1 for the first time ever!
Being Haley's debt slave is beyond challenging.
I completed my hermit challenge to make a million - here's what the farm looked like in year 4, just after I completed the challenge in winter year 3!
Mod for spouses to join you at other locations?
stardew inspo!!
Hitting this Spring year 1 would be life changing
Playing with my friend for their first time. This is where the coop is going.
trying to convince my friend to play with me
Finally completed the Community Center !
RIP Caesar Salad! Chef salad spotted in SLC, UT
Hot turkey provolone sandwich (food court)
HELP!!! I can’t stop eating Sanders! After seeing it multiple times on the sub I decided to finally try it and OMG yall undersold it!
More than just mildly infuriating
Rate my Potential Spring Sale Haul
What is the correct way to drink from the lid
What is the one sweet treat you're almost guaranteed to buy every visit?