Poco's gadgets are worst than vanish on lily's prime
What if danganrompa made something similar to total drama all stars
why does supercell like buffing C tier brawlers over F tier brawlers?
Griff has become unapproachable.
SpenLC S36 with New Maps
MrP meta is back.
Como o xaveco é desprezado 😂🤣 hahahaha
I honestly appreciate it wheneve the show they managed to use a different art style for some scenes
Sorry I posted this a week later than I said I would, but here is an updated version of my last post based on what the comments suggested.
Who is your least favorite character and why?
Which Danganronpa is your favorite?
Day 3 and still i didn't get ice 9000, im gonna cry 😭😭
Just a weird pattern on all the finales
Which revenge of the island girl do you think is the most popular across the entire fan base?
Which character do you hate the most in all the 9 seasons of the show?
Besides Leshawna and Courtney, who also had a pretty unfair elimination in TDI? Explain your reasons.
Doing my fourth rewatch of the Ridonculous Race and why are the daters so much better than I remember?
Should we agree on this?
Janet wins most fraudulent and RT wins GOATED (he’s not even a sniper?). Who do you think is an overrated and underrated thrower?
Pessoas trans não deveriam ser uma pauta tão grande
How do I even play Moe in this current meta?
Bea wins most underrated, followed closely by Nani. Who do you think is a bum sniper and who do you think is GOATED?
Griff is the most underrated brawler ever
Piper was voted most overrated, followed by Brock. Who is an underrated sniper?