Be honest, who here under the age of 30 has seen the original Snow White?
Family Feud returns tomorrow!
Hear me out, is it wrong to be attracted to your sim😔
Reset day! Here's the Premium Shop! What are you getting?
What is your favourite version of Cinderella?
you can hardly tell what these are tattoos of lmao
So tired of Christmas
What did Shayne say? (Wrong answers only)
There are no wrong answers
Women, Why Did You or Didn’t You Go to Prom, and Was It Worth It?
What's your "I'm starting a new save" routine?
What’s perplexing Courtney? Wrong answers only
The game is refusing to load any households. Does anyone know what mod is causing this?
What items do you want to be added that we don’t have?
why is the baby yellow?
There is a new update prior to Business & Hobbies release.
Out of curiosity, who is buying the new DLC tomorrow? Who has pre-ordered?
Where's my people in their 30s that's sick of HERD MENTALITY and this gen Z lingo like BRUH and saying LITERALLY in every sentence and everything is LOW KEY? makes me feel sick to my stomach
I really want to see Angela guess who slapped her
Keith Lee talks about the weird, racist comments he’s been receiving from the UK after his London food tour
Shrek 5 Teaser
You're bedridden for 72 hours. What show are you binge watching?
Please don’t cancel me
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