I am so lost
After 4172 hours, I can finally quit
I finally... *cough* *cough* finally reached Diamond Trophy Hunter. After 1 painful month.. *cough* I got it. But, at what cost ?
I got Falsely banned and wiped if I get appealed will I get my island back to?
Gambling is an investment [CONFIRMED]
Skyblock Profile Wiped Without Explanation – Need Help! (IGN: IQa7mad69)
Secret Dungeons Tech ( INFINIBOOM TNT = USELESS )
Very inclusive convo
Got a duplicate DIVINE rabbit
just hit 6k hours, AMA
White star achieved
Hey I got ratted but my brother kinda clutched in time
Gear reqs for Infernal Kuudra?
Community opinion: What’s the hardest grind in skyblock?
dungeon floor 5
did not expect to have an RNG flair here
What to do?
Don't mind the magic find (3 flux's 30 minutes time then 3 hours later dropped 4th, then did t5 kuudra and dropped b2b kuudra core)
c47!!!! that's like half way to 50 or smth
You claimed Diamond Necron Head! Was broke so instead of buying d head i did 1k f7's lol
1k runs!!!!
I think I'm rng carried. 2 garden drops before 600 visitors (IGN: x710 if you wanna check)
570'th run, 2nd scroll