Worst TDI contestant ever? Mine is..
S4E9 Megathread
Ranking Of The Reboot Cast Based On How Much I Enjoy Them In Their S1 Elimination Episode
Ummm whatt👀💀!?!!??
Who else finds the discourse over this report tiresome?
Total Drama characters you like but everyone hates
WWE RAW Discussion (3 March 2025)
What I think the Elimination Order for season 2 of the reboot should have been.(Thoughts?)
(Final day)how would you rank Jake in All Stars
Thoughts on this cast? And who would you like to be the first boot?
Do you think Riya Actually loved/ had feelings for Connor
Ranking The Reboot Cast Based On How Funny I Find Them
WWE RAW Discussion (17 February 2025)
My opinion on the reboot cast (controversial)
What if this becomes the elimination order of a potential 3rd season with the reboot cast?
Ranking the TD characters based on how funny they are
Total Drama Eliminations Tier List
Why is it assumed villains will always get third place? (2023 spoilers)
Which Wrestler Has A Fanbase That Makes It Hard For You To Enjoy Them?
Unpopular Opinion: Duncan never cheated on Courtney
Who’s a character people say should’ve won but you don’t see it and why?
Anyone know what is causing the heavy traffic on 17 by the exit to the mall?
What Total Drama characters that is beloved actually has a dark backstory
What if one of these 5 joined world tour instead of blainley
And finally a character who first with "Looks like incel, is a chad"