Looking for a gyro controller.
Which video game made you cry or hit you right in the feels?
What game had you crying or got you the closest?
I'm MAD at this tutorials.
What game first comes to mind when you see this?
Quick question
MAD at this tutorials.
Purposely causing a voidout and taking a 1 liter leak in the wind farm like a boss
I'm MAD at this tutorials, pls help:*(
What first comes to mind?
Last character you played as, has become a Deadite. How screwed is everyone?
If there's a fourth wolf, what would it say?
This is what an Armored Core 4 remake could look like.
Is DC just f*cking with us now?
Armored Core 6 "Good ending"
Ogryn vs Space Marine (fluffy question)
Looking for a game with great combat gameplay
Games with satisfying combat
Para hombres, es cierto que les importa mucho con cuántos chicos ha estado un mujer?
El condón es seguro o no? Cómo protegerse adecuadamente en el delicioso siendo hombre?
Ya estoy cansada de este bucle
Group/artist like AURORA
ON SALE NOW 60% BLOWOUT BONANZA! We just want to put it in your hands. ROOTED IN RESULTS
How to make my beard stop growing
How to prevent it from growing