So Without Refering Anywhere , Tell Me What's This Card Actual Effect Is?
Are these real?
Question about deck boxes
Saving for Tiamat, Jalter np4 and Aesc, and you ?
He will save us!
Collecting again after a 20 year hiatus. Some of my favs so far
Predictions for banned card by 2026?
Found my Yu-Gi-Oh collection from when I was like 10 (I’m 28 now)
Branded lore be like
Just draw the out bro
Set 5 and pass
Always will be my favourite hand trap
Board wipe, my beloved
Is anyone on here a part of community that plays older formats? I would like to join if possible. P.s yugioh early days collection is now available if you have a Nintendo Switch.
WWE Elimination Chamber Discussion (1 March 2025)
How important do I need 3 copies of these three cards? Effect Veiler, Ghost Belle, and Solemn Judgement.
Average Traptrix player
Yu-Gi-Oh players the second somebody shows the faintest interest in the card game.
British snake-eye coached by British German
What is actually, according to your opinion, the problem with Yugioh?
Help me understand pls
day 14: choose the best and worst beast class waifu. not that there is much choice since only playable servants are valid... I can already imagine the result and I know I won't be surprised, but I'll try anyway. VOTE!
Here's a fun fact for you, mooncancer is a least evil class as for now.
Did I found a gold?