Which to choose for a brand new account?
Karakura Battle Crown Summons: Queen and Lone Wolf Coming Soon !
“Ticket frustration”, Is “Stubhub” giving me the “Runaround”!!?
What are your favorite game modes?
TIL Sugar Rushes aren't real they are a myth.
Hello black guy here i have been growing my hair lately and i want to style but i have no idea how to do so
(22M) I really impulsively want short hair but I don't know what would look good... haven't had short hair in years
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
TIL that 41% of American adults believe in ghosts.
I’m a male. Does this hair fit me? What should I change? People always say I look like a girl lol.
YSK People who had one drink a day had a 40% higher risk of developing any of seven types of cancer
Why do people say the farmers market is a good way to save money when every one i go to is more expensive than Aldi / walmart?
I used to know a girl...
i wanna buzz my hair so badly
Am I looking fresh enough for a first date, please be nice. Any suggestions to improve are welcome..
If you’re sick and you come to a party you’re an asshole
No luck with girls or people in general
ASTRO BOT wins GAME OF THE YEAR at The Game Awards 2024
Your go to spot for fish tacos
Free/Cheap things to do in the area?
My derm said I need to be using a lot more than “pea sized”
Sign update
"Landscaper" scammed us in San Bernardino, maybe they've knocked on your door too
This kind of behavior is actually scary
ULPT: Want to defer your student loans indefinitely? Keep enrolling in cheap community college classes.