We had lost
1x is pure evil, who has no screen time?
1337 is society, who's just evil?
What does this item do? (Wrong answers only)
Who remembers the Piggy animation meme gang
Baby Two Time is the Gremlin, now who's society?
Name your favourite CRK character, and I’ll rank them on a scale from 1-10! (Image mostly unrelated)
Which SHADOW MILK are you feeling TODAAAYYY??
Builderman is the forgotten one (won by 1 vote against 007n7), who's the Gremlin?
Elliot is the normal one, who's the forgotten one?
So Nashatra (I think that's the name of the skin) is the hot one... You guys are simps- Anyways who is the only normal person?
Shedletsky is the most hated, who is the hit one?
Do I send it?
write enbrat with your eyes closed
Type only "clock" in your reply and let autocorrect finish the sentence
Your month your valentine
Yikes... Fwy does NOT like the post below this one. What are they so peeved about?
Who is this (wrong answers only)
c00lkidd won with 12 VOTES. Now who's made to be hated
That one stunner in your team with no sense of timing be like:
Let's do this. Which character is the fan favorite?
low quality meme i made
whoever created this song COUNT YOUR DAYS RIGHT NOW
Guys am I cooked
Is there any cookie you refuse to take off your team no matter the meta?