W:Ultracite Calibrated Shocks H:name your price
H: LC + Add W: Reverse USA (Urban Scout Mask that looks like Forest Scout)
H: Legacy Reverse fsa W: glow jackalope
H: LC, GJack, etc. W: Reverse USA or FSA
H: Reflectives W: Leaders
H: caps W: presidential power suit
H: 5 choo-choo mods 3 combo-break mods W:5 tank mod
H:Unrolled Level 1 Pink, Indigo and Yellow Baseball Bat Set W:Non Leader Offers
H: wpjs, usa, fsa W: leaders
H: 500 Canned Meat Stew W: 200 Leaders
H: Up to 100 Leaders W: Bulk Frag Grenade offers
H: Caps W: Weapon mods
H: 10 leaders OR 25k caps W: Lead lined backpack mod
H: Rare Apparel to Bundle W: Reverse FSA and USA masks
[XB1] H: giveaway 200 big guns just pick a number 1-60 and who’s ever closes i’ll give them it
H: Responder ID W: High Tiered Offers! (no pet rocks)
H: Complete Rare Fas set (24) W: Offers on whole set
H: 1676 leaders W: Rare apparel
H: LC W: offers / leaders / apparel / masks
H: pet rock W: nuka cola 6 pack offers
H: TFJ W: 2 Glowing Jackalope
H: cow w: other masks
H:Collector's Grafton High Hat W:Apparel or Survival Weapon Offers
[XB1] H: WPJS W: glowing mask offers
[XB1] H: Mods, Ammo, Leaders, etc. W: WPJS