Are you more attracted to other mixed people or monoracials? Genuinely curious..
How lame am I for buying lego sets as a 29 year old?
I bought stickers off Etsy and the seller did the complete opposite of what I asked for..
I feel so unattractive as a mixed race girl, and I am tired of not being someone's preference
I want to be someone's type for once
Have you ever had men get upset when you don't say hi back to them?
Does anyone else bleed way too much?
How many cals in this delicious meat loaf my husband made us 💕
I feel nauseated often and my job doesn't help.. how do you manage frequent/chronic nausea?
I work in retail and a co-worker called me on vacation to ask me for help in my aisle..
A co worker called me during my personal time off to ask me a question about a product and he knew I was on vacation and out of state..
A customer started giving me money and presents suddenly, and I am flattered but also confused.
I'm on a self-love journey and here's what I love about being mixed..
I (28F) caught my husband (32M) doing the most disturbing thing with a reborn doll. I feel sick. AITAH for wanting to divorce him?
People who don't take off their shoes in YOUR house.
If you ask me if I work here, you are a moron. I got in trouble for telling customers I don't work here and I'm not allowed to say that anymore.
Attention needy customers: please learn to help yourself because I can't hold your hand all the time!
I realized that Hulu removed a scene from one of my favorite episodes, and I am PISSED
I found out my ex best friend's family is racist and hates my ethnic group
Reinhart celebrating his hatty with the boys!
How do I alter this shirt for a lower neckline?
How do I cut a lower neckline for this shirt?
How do I make this shirt sexy?
I am going to Boston in two weeks and I am having some anxiety about riding the T..
[Homemade] Thanksgiving Turkey