Is it bad that i want (dyselexic)
This charachter is overhated and for what?
Wich season had the worst merge challanges and why?
Listen, I respect everything ONC has been doing, and don't take my comment to seriously. But.. ONC has fallen off so hard recently..
Seen poeple say who they wanna see rejoin but who should def not rejoin and why?
Unveiling the new r/disventurecamp snoo. Thank you all so much for getting us to 5k members!
What do you think is the most toxic point of conversation in this fanbase outside of anything related to Jake or the stupid Carnival Of Chaos controversies
My favorite scene from DC4 so far is this ngl
Day 4: You chose Huntake as a Heapthy ship with a toxic fanbase. Now choose an okay ship with a healthy fanbase
Diencer this Mathlete that my opinion:
Why i think this charachter is in a bad position too atm
Why Dctwt is the most toxic side off fandom (had to adress this cause its getting too far)
This charachter has a flaw and i hope she realizes it soon. (I like her btw)
What placement do you see Richard getting?
Can poeple pls stop hate for
Two Hot Takes Regarding Logan In Episode 9
Will Spencer be in the bottom two another time before the Merge?
I hope next elimination will be a expected one but not how you think
What is this Sub-reddits opinion of Jared?
What do you think will happen in the merger?
Who will be the last person to vote for Spencer
Who do you think SHOULD go home if Red loses?
Everyone hates spencer
The main reason why I think a Ted return is the most likely…
I wonder if their alliance will touch upon this