I don’t even know anymore, man
What was the most disappointing modern figure to you?
Gonna need to track down a few more Koroks and get that final slot to use for a "shit weapon," cuz there ain't no way in hell I'm using *any* of this
Mods are FINALLY doing their job 😭
Let’s hear your most unhinged horse names
Which Ultra Magnus is Better?
Check your Targets
Golden Disc Collection Terrorsaur's golden disc stored in the Dramatic Capture Autobot Headquarters version of Mainframe. This feels right
If you saw this on your bed what would you do
My wife found this guy for me at Goodwill
Every combiner in transformers so far
Can you give me a clue about solving these orange things? The ones with a flat center, not the ones that have a hole for the ball (pic from Google)
Pooth or hood ornament?
What's your Ridgeland Tower method?
Big Daddy, Junior and the Spook (IYKYK)
There. That's better.
Biggest regret while collecting?
What’s your rarest figure? I’ll go first.
What would we call a group of Megatrons? A murder of Megatrons?
This food is WAY too overpowered- and that’s a good thing
What Movie had your favorite alt mods
What is your LEAST FAVORITE thing about Breath of the Wild?
It been almost 2 years now. What are you opinions on this movie and have thay at all changed from when you first watched it.
Anyone else think koloktos was one of the hardest and most tedious bosses of skyward sword