Bajs what's your biggest life achievement? Mines killing FarbrorBarbror in the tournament feelsOkayMan
Since JFK death records have been released will her files will be released any times soon too ?
Daily Country #180 - What's your opinion on Turkey?
In the NorthWest quadrant, the only funny color is red.
Restore all bajs.
Fate worse than death
have you thanked him bajs?
What is your favourite cmonBruh moment?
Who wins?
How far can Egghead Franky go?
Who here is the best cook?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Luffy being weaker than the arc villain is common
There's someone other than imu above shanks in 2025 should just be looked at as a bait.
Who fits this the most?
Best Public Figure of each quadrant day 9:centrist
All poison type pokemon ranked
Если мы не заставим РФ прекратить огонь, то мы просто продолжим воевать — Трамп.
AuthRight trade war exchange
Tap the sign
I'm a Priest/Warrior main and love Shadowtouched so...
In honor of the word being unbanned, I hereby declare this to be the Retard Recession
Apparently Europeans don't appreciate being portrayed as Soyjaks. So, as recompense, I'll portray them as NPCs.
When did auth right become the soy PCM quadrant?