Unpopular Opinion: I feel Total Drama would’ve been treated better if it aired on The N/TeenNick
The ROTI Boys in The Artstyle of South Park
The ROTI Girls in The Artstyle of South Park
Which Total Drama Island (Season 1) contestant would you want as a roommate?
The OG TD Boys in The Artstyle of South Park
Favorite character that wears green clothing?
Who Has The Stronger Moral Compass?
If you were to date any contestant in total drama who would it be
What are your comfort ships?
The teenage secret spy agent Kim Possible has won for K, who’s the greatest female cartoon character whose name start with L?
The OG TD Girls in the Artstyle of South Park
Who is more unlucky?
Name your favorite character of black history month
This scene in Total drama All stars makes me so angry
What if Bridgette was switched to Team Amazon?
Which one would you adopt? (FYI, you can only pick one)
If you could make a new season with gen 1 who will your final 5 be???
Which couple is more toxic? Duncney or stephryan or Gwuncan?
Favorite Animated Haters to Lovers Couple
What subplots did you wish the writers hadn't included?
Out of every none finalist from the og cast, what are the top 5 you fell like deserved to be in a finale
Favorite Animated Superhero Series Not Based On Comics
Who would you consider the “core 4” of TD?
Unpopular opinion: Bridgette was a character that could had so much potential but the writers hate her for no reason
If there's one thing I liked about All Stars, its Courtney and Zoey's very minor one sided rivalry. What are your thoughts?