Heat Wave Arena…
Thoughts on the new stuff coming?
Pulled a bent card, is it still worth anything???
Help me avoid a tragedeigh
Target surg sparks live now
Gave up on trying to get prismatic at store.
Is this legit?
Puttanesca, but with ketchup and I was impatient.
Scumbag Target Employees
My one pack I’m satisfied…
Under appreciated
Saw this in a store near my university.
Are my Charizards and other EXs real or fake?
Ordered my all time favourite card after I lost my original. Is it misprinted?!
Birthday gift from one of my friends
Sylveon EX SIR 156/131
This is so lame…
New Articuno from Battle Partners / Journey Together
XY Phantom Forces Gengar
Battle Partners Wailord
Thinking of Selling Childhood Collection (French) 130ish cards ranging from NM to very used
Rev is hypocritical
Why have they used the pf2 cover for og pf??
Friend of mine gave me those for free...
Battle Partners Furret