Which game and how many times ?
Which old games do you think still compare to recent AAA games in terms of graphics ?
Gifted My Mom a Watch, and She Completely Rejected It. Not Sure How to Feel
In your Opinion, Which game is it?
Still in disbelief that I ended up with this
While Playing the Game, Suddenly FAN started to sound like this. I turned off the laptop, and after sometime turned ON again and now its all fine. What to do next?
Is this a good deal (420$) 1Yo old
My first laptop
Is this a good deal?
Girls when they get caught cheating:
How is this even possible??
Scam Alert! | Please Report
Is this a good deal? getting 1YO used for $350
Op bimar h
Laptop red flags
Name you Favorite English Song...
got my bf a ps5 as an early christmas present:3
What movie, series, anime or game is this?
This is a very average size banana.
avarge gujarati men🗿
I dared to sing and english song and this is how it went T_T
I got 7/10 💪
fuck up hogya 😭
A girl approached me....
Why are there so many 20+ y/o in this sub