Because of his lack of screen time and his ability, is the Shisui glaze reasonable or doesn't make sense?
How many Hidan can Base Tsunade defeat?
Giving Every Spinda Form an Ability- Part 1 of 429 million!!!!
Whats a good bossmonster to tell my players that they need to leave NOW.
Madara vs Itachi, Nagato, Minato.
Just Started Berserk
What are some bands you rarely hear anyone say anything bad about?
my son want to read Berserk what should i do
Strongest character this random version of Madara fused with Rasa I found beats?
Tokyo Ghoul was put into a public test build in my favourite game Dead By Daylight, tell me everything I need to know about Tokyo Goul and the..."ghoul?" Added
[Warhammer 40k] chaos space marines are like regular marines.... But 100% more intimidating and interesting
Opinions on Mayhem?
Who wins? Rank from strongest to weakest
Just finished golden arc and berserk anime
Modern Japanese hardcore bands. Go. Don't let me down.
What are you wearing today?
Can we talk about how Joakim Broden just regularly appears out of thin air?
Music while reading manga
Let Him Who Hath Understanding Reckon..
Kars vs Kimimaro
Tokyo Ghoul banned in China
Besides Naruto and sasuke who was the strongest 17 year old shinobi in the war.
If Guts had full access to airpods and a working ipod/phone to play music on, what music do you think hed listen too before a long day killing apostles? 🤔
Why is Boruto so ignored?
What would be a good monster to put against my players to make them understand that it’s not for fighting?