Help Shape a Better Way to Organize Playlists!
What’s your biggest frustration with current music streaming platforms?
What should I do as an 18 year old?
What’s your biggest frustration with Apple Music?
What's your biggest frustration while using Spotify?
What's your biggest frustration with todays music apps?
What’s your biggest frustration with today's music apps?
How do you think different generations can be connected through music?
Help With My Senior Project: Connecting Generations Through Music 🎶
Help With My Senior Project: Connecting Generations Through Music 🎶 (Age 30-55) (Academic)
Help With My Senior Project: Connecting Generations Through Music 🎶 (Academic) (Age 30-55)
Help us Simplify Health Insurance For Young Adults!!!
Help us Simplify Health Insurance For Young Adults!!!!
Help Us Simplify Health Insurance for Young Adults!!!!
Help Us Simplify Health Insurance For Young Adults!!!!
Help Shape My Senior Project: Connecting Generations Through Music Survey 🎶 (Hip-Hop Lovers, Your Input Needed!)
Help Shape My Senior Project: Connecting Generations Through Music 🎶 (Hip-Hop Lovers, Your Input Needed!)