Stormwind's Visitor by Goddasaurus.
"Aessina" signature illustration i created for "Into the Emerald Dream". This is favorite one out of my works for this set. I'm just happy with the creative freedom we, as an artists, are given in signature cards. I'll share a little fun story about creation of it in the comments :)
Aessina - Signature Version
Glowroot lure. Cute carnivorous flower that I've illustrated for "Into the Emerald Dream". As always posting concept and sketches too :)
"Ancient of Yore". One more revealed card that i've illustrated. I love how this theme allowed artists to work on the serene and chill artworks (dream) and mad, corrupted ones too (nightmare) in the same set.
Can we pause a moment to appreciate how expressful and silly geists are? whenever I see them on my screen I always smile. They just look so happy being dead
Corrupted Laughing Sister. Since "Shaladrassil" and corrupted dream cards revealed - I'm sharing with You guys my SECOND (first one is yet to be revealed) favorite artwork i did for this expansion. (Guys, knowing your relathioship with my artworks... please don't be weird in the comments...)
Barbed Thorn, Extra Eyes and Extra Thorns. Weapons i've got lucky to illustrate for newest Expansion. As always posting some BTS stuff too :) Really love Old Gods stuff, pretty happy to draw this whole twisted corruption.
"Afflicted Devastator". It's expansion reveal day, and some of my artworks were revealed too :) As a tradition i will post them here on reddit for You guys.
Corazon x Corazon. One Piece x Dorohedoro crossover. Pens, Pencils, Markers + a little bit of Photoshop. Had this idea since watching/reading Dorohedoro, love this two.
Corazon boys. Dorohedoro+One Piece crossover. Pens, Pencils, Markers + few photoshop balancing touches. Always had that crossover in mind, still think Law was heavily influenced by Shin.
Stormwind's Visitor. Fanart made for Hearthstone art challenge.
Quasar signature i made. That's the last artwork i did for this set. Ahhh, feeling nostalgic about working on this expansion - but more ahead! See ya guys on the next expansion reveals! I'll keep posting here :) P.S. Bottom name.
Am I trippin or is this card’s text misspelled? Lol
Goddasaurus again, hope You guys aren't tired of me. "Warp Drive", next artwork i made for this HS expansion. Oh boy it was a little bit tough to express that difficult ship form in forced perspective. Check out the concepts also, it was fun.
Goddasaurus here. Posting "The Spirits' Passage" signature i made for upcoming "The Great Dark Beyond" expansion. I think this is my favorite from the ones i did for the set.
Hey, Goddasaurus here. Yet another one of my Card Artworks been revealed and this one is one of my favs. "Abduction Ray"! I've grown up with this fake documentaries about aliens and was deep into USA UFO lore, so it's just so close to me. Also some wip stuff as always.
Hey Guys! Posting another one of artworks i did for new expansion - Arkanite Defense Crystall. Also posting design concepts i made for it and composition. P.S. Sorry for multiple posting earlier - reddit bugged me for some reason, hope this one be ok.
What is the art direction on the Dark Beyond's signature cards?
Hey. Since it's a reveal season again and one of my fav works i did for Hearthstone been showcased - came here AGAIN to post it for You guys! The Celestial Archive Signature art i did for this set (and as always some WIP stuff)
Name one good thing about the sequel
When I saw that one post about the ship between flickering lightbot and robocaller I knew what I had to do
First thing I see from the sub today
Here's an artwork for just revealed Robocaller i did (and some work stuff).