Female matching suit suggestions?
Lange vrouwen, waar halen jullie matchende pakken (blazer + pantalon)?
Hebben jullie gelijk gesolliciteerd op banen verder weg in de hoop dat je daar snel een woning vindt of ben je eerst op zoek gegaan naar een woning in de buurt van waar je graag zou willen werken en daarna pas naar een baan?
Kledingmerken met een vergelijkbare stijl als Mango en Zara?
Is there a place in Almada where I can buy Lisboa postcards?
BWT, what are we wearing to job interviews?
In what physical stores can you shop clothes that fit?
How much do you spend on groceries per month for a single person?
Hoeveel geven jullie per maand uit aan boodschappen voor 1 persoon?
What do you do with sleeves that are too short?
Bought these boots that are supposed to be real leather but after wearing twice this happened. Is there anything I can do?
This is supposed to be real leather but the leather came off on the second time wearing them. How do I fix this?
Moving on Monday and I’m stressed out
How did you feel a few days before moving?
Simple outfit today 🖤
Outfit for today
Thoughts on this dress for a younger person?
Which looks best?
Thoughts? I’m probably going to return but would love to hear some opinions
BWT- how do I style this dress without looking dowdy?
Does this jacket look too small?
Daily Questions Thread February 16, 2025
All black 🖤
received job offer , is that salary enough?