What is the hardest Extreme Z battle events with weakass catgory
10th Anniversary if part 2 was actually good
Str Ssbe Vegeta is literally Pre Eza Int Ssbe Vegeta 2.0...
Name any categories deserve to get buffed
Please don't summon this..
I Am Invincible
Every year...
I swear those meme...
I'm bout to bomb this whole Mf Tournament
i don't remember this scene...
The balance of New Lr Broly
Broly Z leaked for wwdc 2024
goku's Prowler xenoverse but lr agl carnival goku
Name any units was completely wasted
Can we get good namekians units beside piccolos...
Caption This
Please Bandai. Give a good Goku Black Super eza
What should we call WT Team?
Dokkan just turn Teq Goathan into Teq Godhan...
Name any units that has poor animations, but broken kit
What Japan players going do now?
Crossover be like
If Omatsu is Gogeta fan, Then Toshi is Vegito fan
Just you wait until Legends will make Raditz godly