What would be the best book to read after a long hiatus?
Alkaline trio songs to play at my wedding
Steinbeck quotes or passages to read at a wedding
OneCard Type
Do you guys actually like your roommates?
I (25M) am developing a crush on my roommate (25f)
Update: my parents insisting I include my mentally ill sibling in my bridal party
my parents are insisting I include my mentally ill sister in my bridal party
Is there a King book you can't stand? I'll go first:
I finished my last ever cross country race a couple days ago and I’m so sad it’s over
People talk to be cause my dog is really cute
What's your best answer to "you're too quiet" ?
Armageddon wins most hype vote most emotional
[TOMT] classical music version on an 8-bit song from sega 1994 game crystals pony tale
Trying to find a classical music song lullaby(Mitchell)
Having a roommate is driving me insane
Affordable speed cadence sensors
Race hangover
Why are baby names called baby names when someone has it there whole life not just as a baby
What’s the most socially accepted form of self-harm?
AITA for banning my daughter from seeing her boyfriend?
Does anyone else feel like life is passing them by and you have no real purpose?
Can I give 2 weeks notice in a summer contract job.
boyfriend told me he can’t marry me because i’m not religious
My boyfriend’s 20M mom 50F hates me 20F because I’m not Christian