What if Rhaenyra and Syrax fought in the Stepstones?
Robert Arryn (or Robin) being Littlefinger's son
Would Alicent been happy if she had married someone else? Maybe a young chivalrous noble from the reach.🌹 Or would she still feel trapped?
(Spoilers Main) How would the Reyne-Tarbeck rebellion go if Tywin dies right when it starts
(Spoilers Extended) What would Robb do if he could do it all over again?
Is there any submission that stops most of the Northman/old gods worshippers from changing over to equal primogeniture?
Would Aemond still have lost his eye if he hadn’t antagonized Baela and Rhaena?
What if more Dragons survived?
Dangerous Dames Day 21: Rhaenyra Targeryen
A potential Match of Ned Stark and Cersei Lannister [spoilers MAIN]
Would it be off putting to my readers if I included this plot detail?
What’s with the negativity with the HOTD fanbase towards S3?
How different would the story be if Helaena claimed Sunfyre and Aegon claimed Dreamfyre?
My Cannibal version for HOTD
Who would you rather have your back in battle Barristan Selmy or harrold westerling
Dangerous Dames Day 18: Aemma
How much Royal power did Alysanne have over the kingdom?
[spoilers extended] What do you think would’ve been an actually fair toll for walder frey letting the stark army cross?
What if Lucan was sent to earth instead of Omni Man and he arrived in the 18th century?
Opps, sorry Rhaenys
I hate Mushroom and I'm glad he's not in the show.
May gods bless Meera Reed !!
Westerlands rebellion
Why is Borros Baratheon green?