Carries Fisher trying on Peter Weller’s glasses during Giorgio Armani fashion show, 1980
mission impassible
dark souls 1 isnt for me??
Snow makes Rattlesnake look majestic
Anyone know of a mod where you have limited magazines and have to fill them?
I know this meme is old, but i don't care
Are there any Quests in Artorias of the Abyss?
I looked over the ending scene a few months back and labeled it
What film(s) are you going with?
Do I need to play dark souls two in order to enjoy the whole trilogy?
Men, would you date a woman with short hair?
Struggling with fear of death- What do you think happens after we die?
If one is to understand the great mystery one must study all its aspects
What is the last common ancestor of humans and dogs?
Karlsruhe Tram GT8-70D/N
Does every man like hard to get women?
what this ? ( i'm new to the game )
A Newborn Baby Malayan Tapir At The Point Defiance Zoo, The Second Calf Born In Their 120 Year History
Best "I hunt, you build!" Co Op games?
A person with Stoneman's syndrome that causes the muscle and connective tissue to turn into bone
Blursed Game Ad
Am I going to be short forever?
I hate when that happens
Jarvis, i' m running low on pils