Am I ‘too wet’ or is he a d-bag?
How do I stop my bf being insecure about his dick size?
Ville du stole på?
Men who’ve cheated, can you be trusted again?
Girlfriend cheated on “break” . Need advice
Findes der mænd der ikke er utro?
Til dig der har været utro
Kan man elske en og samtidigt være dem utro?
AITA for calling out my partner taking credit for paying a restaurant bill when he paid on our joint account?
AIO by telling my gf I don’t want her to have contact with the man that raped her
Efter breakup
Min partner kommer for hurtigt
Finger i numsen
Found out girlfriend was cheating on me with her ex.
If you have a girlfriend are you constantly having sexual thoughts about her through out the day?
My (22M) girlfriend (20F) recently got lip filler and has completely changed how she acts. If I can't put up with this, do i break up with her?
What is it
Has your promiscuous past made it difficult for you to stay loyal in a committed relationship?
Will you delete your dead boyfriend's photos?
AITAH for breaking up with my girlfriend for giving in to peer pressure?
Hvor går grænsen med onani?
What does it mean when a man intentionally hurts you through their actions after you end the relationship or cut contact?
AITA for telling my dad his grief doesn't get to dictate the name my wife and I chose for our children?
Jeg skal selv betale for alt - er det fair?
GF bleeding after i fingered her