Thank you for the heartbeat sensorπ
My loadouts for this season lol
This is my concept of the legendary weapon of the QQ9, I hope Activision likes it and they can implement it in the game in the future.
Imagine a Knight's Divided event with a Green and a Purple team instead of red v blue. And the rewards are these Locus Blueprints for each team. What would you choose?
Does anyone else miss this guy before his ego grew :(
[OC]Razorback weapon inspection concept
I found this bug on new test server,just leting you know
Just look at this ads speed!!!
Scorestreak idea
Someone told me to post this on the official codm subredit so here it is...Hope you guys like it.
umm beautiful bug?
Lv 3 vest keeps glitching on me from time to time. A restart of the game fixes it. Ps. I am noob...
When you play codm too much your phone unlocks the diamond camo
This sub related him very much
We need a new LMG , please introduce us a LMG next season.
I had a bad day, but this make me smile.
is this normal?
Finally got Damascus
I want to commit die
Fricking finally! Got the shotgun camos only snipers left. The striker can go straight to hell!!!
Watch the movement. (4 Finger Gyroscope 4 piece) @kohvuu
Can we take a moment to appreciate the insane detailing. (Watch the sling/buckle/whatever it is on Price's clothes)
Pp 19+ Karambit?