I had always been insecure about my body.
The view at 30,000 feet was spectacular.
I dreamed that I strangled my mother.
Who did they name the car after? Who got arrested?
Passengers, please fasten your seat belts.
As the aliens descended down to our planet, many hoped that these beings would be similar to humans.
"It's nothing more than a stomachache" said the school nurse.
It's always relaxing to sit and have a drink in front of a nice and cozy fire.
All my life I thought I was the only me
Attack, Atilla!
Tiniest movie nitpick you’re still hung up over?
My teacher gave me a D on my persuasive essay.
I've had five best friends in Middle School.
The teachers lounge smell funny.
In biology class we started a dissection unit.
I was sleeping in class and my teacher rudely woke me up.
LGBTQ ‘rights’ and the First Amendment cannot co-exist
Religion is not the factor that most influences rejection of evolutionary theory in schools, study says
If you are a Christian and believe that sex before marriage is okay… what denomination are you and what are your arguments for why you believe what you believe?
Roger Stone claims he personally saw a literal "demonic portal" over Biden White House
Appeals court rules transgender care and transition infringes on religious freedom
Is Christian Universalism finally rising once more?
How do I choose a denomination?
what does (or should) a church do with tithe?
I lost a bet and now I gotta go to church.