H: List of what I can craft W: you to request what you want!
H: EN06 Farm W: 1 cap per hour if you help (15 leaders to afk)
H: 50 leaders + 50 ll8 W: best steel and lead offer
Found this in a vendor and was wondering how it's possible?
Just wanted to say people asking for leaders to farm a robot for free is outright greedy lol help eachother out it’s literally free rewards
H: glowing jackalope W: A melee armor set
(PS1337) H: Masks W: Offers
H: Red Asylum W: Leader offers
What piece of misc do you wish was displayable? I’ll go first
H: 200 Leaders each W: G turkey/sbq
H:Campers Backpack, Critter Chunks and Fuel Canister W:White Powder Jumpsuit or Bos Jumpsuit
H: PA set from last post W: 40k Caps + 5 oe and possibly 5 powered mods or desc
[PS]H: 5 Bobbleheads or Magazines per W: Leaders
Will interest in misc items disappear if the method for obtaining any item is published?
[PS4] H: G mask W: Canned Coffee
[PS4] H: What you need W: Loon Mask
H: List Below W: Canned Meat Stew
H: Weapons. W: Offers
H: 250 Leaders Each W: G Mino, G Robot
Does anyone know how many leader the mega dispenser test token is by itself ? The misc item.
H:Legacy lvl 35 TSE 419 Dragon. W: Leaders or Apparel offers
H: trade-able father winter power armor mask W:offers
H:q2525 fixer max level W:offers