What is the lamest song of alltime?
Songs for wedding first dance?
Worst. First.
Recommend the most anxiety-inducing, restless songs for night insomnia
“You only pet me for 3 hours today. My life sucks and I’m so miserable. I am not in the peasant class like all these other dogs in the house”
What was the first album you bought by yourself?
Hey! What's your favorite "one hit wonder" song?
You guyyyssss dang I love her so much 👀
Favorite quotes from songs?
Playlist recommendations
Did I just adopt a Pitbull The shelter said she is a 6 month old Black Lab mix …
How kind is your mother?
What album completely changed your taste in music?
Gimme some of your darkest songs
Who do you talk to when you have no one?
Who’s some of your other favourite Canadian bands/artists?
girl rock songs?
What are some inherently funny words?
Songs that make you feel heartbroken or just completely torn apart
Has there been an artist or a band that you weren't really into until you saw them live, then became a big fan afterwards, if so who was it?
What song changed your life after hearing it for the first time?
Give me one (1) absolutely ESSENTIAL album to listen to!
What are some songs with hand clapping and or foot stomping?
Hey folks...
Guess the breed or mix