H: 2 powered W: 200 fluorescent flux
H: Quad mods/junk/ammo. W: 1 OE, 5 Endurance mods.
H: boxes/25 lvc mod boxes. W: OE, Quad, vampire, endurance boxes.
H: Mod Boxes. W: Leaders / Q / E / Endurance
H: list of box mods W: your crazy offers
Explosive vs 25ffr which option is better for energy weapon?
H: 100 leaders per. W: Quad/explosive/rapid mods.
H: Leaders - Description W: Box Mods In Description
H: Apparel and Box mods W: junk
H: Mods W: Explosive, OE and AP mods
H:caps/ammo W: colbolt flux and violet flux
H: leader bobbles W: caps (600 per)
H: ability to craft rapid, agility +3, and powered w: unyielding, intelligence, and weight reduction/sentinels
H:5 Overeater Mod Boxes W: Bloodied, Explosive, 25 LVC mod boxes
H: Offers for Mod Wishlist W: Mods on wishlist
H: Quad mods W: unyielding/bloodied mods or caps
H: learned some mod boxes W: to craft them for anyone who needs one
Legendary Mod Box Sign Up Sheet!
How big is the difference between heavy combat armor, sturdy combat armor and light combat armor?
New weapon Laser carbine in today’s PTS update.
H: Plans. W: ammo (556/10mm)/junk.
H: aid. W: ammo/junk
H: Bulk Food drink Chems W: Leader offers
H: Civil engineer parts. W: 5.56/10mm ammo. (Or leaders I guess)
H: OE 1p Wwr Excavator Left Arm. W: 10mm/556/leaders/offers.