What is your top three favorite Robert De Niro films?
8 years from now Jurassic Park will have come out closer to than the original Godzilla than that point
Why is this sun so full of fascists?
Headcanon for all of you Kong fans on here....
Behold, a post that isn't about fucking politics.
What would you recommend me based on my top four?
what do my 5-stars say about me?
What’s happening in the USA?
Can Anyone Name All The Films Here?
Movies that suck you in and don’t let you go
Is there such a thing as a "liar revealed" film minus the "reveal" part?
Peter Jackson’s King Kong is the best Kong Movie.
Who's on your Mount Rushmore of filmmakers?
The last couple of weeks I managed this very fun streak. What should I watch next to keep it up ?
Which movies should get a "The Disaster Artist" treatment?
Favorite character that was named by the Fandom?
Common Interests?
The spino looks badass in this right? I think it does anyway.
They have a party but it's Australian
What are the popular films and franchises you've never been interested in seeing?
Favorite Character who's like this
is her hair curly or straight. i’m tripping out
Which animated universe makes the least sense?
guess the year i was born