Kick a dude ass that Knowingly messing with a girl that’s took.. are just let it go cause I mean what single guy don’t want some ass..
I am struggling with life today
Your biggest mistake? Underestimating your opponent.
Standard or supercharged 3.8
What makes you feel most peaceful after a long tiring day?
How do you say "fuck off" in your language?
Are you happier than you were 5 years ago? What would make you happier now?
My boyfriend cheated on me
Who are your top five least favorite NBA players? This isn’t an all-time worst list—just the ones you personally dislike the most.
My winter beater
What’s the most annoying part of being you?
You just won the lottery- what’s your first course of action?
Trying to pet a dog on the street
I was jus in this sub, but I need more advice this happening rn as I type , I mess with some girl she cheating on her dude wit me , should I tell her dude what his girl been up to or be on some “fuck yo man” by king von shi?
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
As a Dallas Cowboys fan do you also consider yourself to also be a Texas rangers fan
What triggers your anxiety?
What motivates you to wake up and go to work everyday?
Double Bang call
What is your favorite Michael quote?
My dog does this at night. What it means?
People who got cheated on, what was your initial thought and reaction?
What Does Depression Feel Like To You??
What do you wish you could say to someone who you don’t talk to anymore?