Well that was a little too easy
You are able to romance one non-romanceable character and there are no gender barriers. Who do you choose?
Luke put his hands on me and I started CRANKING!!!!!!
What game is this to you?
What game do you enjoy regardless of how much hate it gets online?
What are your must have during the Steam Spring Sale?
Increase in Bossk / Iden players
Does anyone else change their appearance to make it seem like their Dragonborn has undergone character development?
Darth hideous strikes again!
Some HvV observations...
Need help on Amiibo display!
I asked if I should open Banjo. A lot of people told me yes. So I decided to open Daisy instead and make him watch. (I’ve owned him for over a year and her for a day or two)
Ive had this aim bug a few times
Favorite Phrase From A Video Game?
i will find you
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks Samara's outfit makes her look like a strawberry
Video is bright and washed out
I’m sure some of you masochists enjoy it, but I just want a fair match
What game was this for you?
Fastest win I’ve ever seen
Next, which antagonist is universally hated
I am simply more refined than you
Favorite female character? (Doesn't have to be a girl boss.)
Best Villain for a Han main?
Shout out to Everyone!