Opposite problems
It can be valid but what did you expect
Every “out of character” complaint outside of duggan complaints are eye roll worthy
Was the Krakoa era the best time mutants in Marvel?
What are some character interactions you're bummed you won't be able to see/ are extremely unlikely to see due to the way things have panned out?
This is literally fact.
The current state of the Marvel... is a actually pretty great
Who would win in a death battle? Both fighting to the death
This is the only game on Console I’ve ever had to stop completely playing because the cheater situation is that bad
Is it possible that they could keep some of the actors we got from the mcu if they reboot?
Is there any other characters you’d have take a more central focus ( solo movies and core part in team movies) in an MCU redo?
does smite 1 still has players?
What are some characters that you think the mcu wasted
It's time to be honest with yourself about the game you love.
Unspoken Obsession We All Have For Wanda 🔥
Do you think that the Seven are an accurate depiction of how superheroes would be irl?
Can Omni Man aka Nolan defeat X-Men villain Apocalypse?
What opinion has you like this?
Who do you think will be the next “most powerful” Avenger?
What is this tie in?
How is everyone not fat?