My New Custom Hard Cover Books 😍
My First (First) Edition
I realize this may be an unpopular opinion
question about the printer puzzle in act 3
PSA If you defeat a boss but die in the process you lose your loot
Awesome Birthday pull
What games do yall recommend for ps1?
For anyone through Xbox Game Pass perks
|XBOX| The Lack of Graphical Options (10-15FPS), Cross Save / Progress & Full M&KB Support (Partial why?) Makes Playing on Console Impossible.
Edge of Sleep release date: October 18th
Hey! Who are our console players?
Throne and liberty or new world. Which game are you more excited for?
Decided to shave my beard at 23pm before going to bed, but the shaving foam decided to explode.
After 12 days in the hospital after my brain surgery I finally had my first seizure
Feel empty since the beta ended 😂
See you all in October
What book to film was the worst for you as a book fan?
Xbox GamePass Perk Available now
I'm going in fellow descendants! Wish me luck! 🤞😂🙏😁
What’s a horror movie scene that still haunts you?
Make Paint Unlimited & Paint Default Skins
The code analysers need to change.
To the Devs: Not sure anyone likes the 3 ball shield regen mechanic
Inspired by Whose Line Is It Anyway: things you can say while gaming that you can’t say while you’re with your partner
For the love of christ, stop the frequency of Mojo-JoJo