This is a Zangief clip.
Drive Rush into Tundra Storm
I assumed he was going to do it so I decided to play a little joke.
DBZ crossover
Masked Saiyan Themed Animated Wallpaper [Concept]
Copy 2 is available in shop, it's Anilazin' time!
Ken was very motivated to win, but so was I!
This was a tough one.
It ain't much but its honest grappling.
Putting the level 3 labbing into practice! I love this combo of Zangief!
Easy peasy
Zangief was certainly grappling!
This was certainly a round!
Catopesra Themed Animated Main Menu Wallpaper [Concept]
Kid Goku Themed Main Menu Animated Wallpaper [Concept]
We both got fired up but I still wanted to be funny at the end.
I love these types of skirmishes!
Having health lead meant nothing to this beautiful body of iron!
My opponent was good, but I had SOLAR FLARE!
Android 18 Themed Wallpaper [Concept]
PHY Kami Themed Wallpaper [Concept]
Android 21 Themed Main Menu Wallpaper [Concept]
My favorite final trump card!
I love it when Manon players go for the overhead!